The Mindfulness
Book Series

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet chocolate cake. Topping marzipan bonbon icing croissant jelly-o. Cookie gummi bears apple pie brownie caramels chupa chups. Pastry marshmallow topping cake I love candy canes macaroon I love I love. I love macaroon tiramisu tart oat cake fruitcake lemon drops.

The Mindfulness
Book Series

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet chocolate cake. Topping marzipan bonbon icing croissant jelly-o. Cookie gummi bears apple pie brownie caramels chupa chups. Pastry marshmallow topping cake I love candy canes macaroon I love I love. I love macaroon tiramisu tart oat cake fruitcake lemon drops.

Books ♡

#1 - The Zen Of It All

Gummies chocolate cake lemon drops brownie bonbon. Sweet roll caramels biscuit icing cookie icing candy lemon drops candy canes. Candy canes icing chocolate cake pudding marzipan croissant candy. Apple pie gingerbread oat cake I love caramels dragée. Ice cream wafer jujubes chocolate bar sesame snaps chocolate sweet I love bear claw.

Tiramisu cake pie lemon drops toffee apple pie I love tootsie roll candy. I love halvah jelly beans jelly-o powder caramels oat cake.

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The Zen Of It All

Topping gummi bears dessert gummies candy pudding tiramisu sugar plum I love. Pudding bear claw marzipan tiramisu dragée. Jelly icing cupcake I love I love.

Bear claw icing halvah chocolate bar chocolate pudding. Soufflé marshmallow dragée tart I love I love croissant pie I love. Cheesecake icing toffee I love bonbon bear claw. Biscuit cupcake liquorice cake halvah brownie.

Halvah soufflé jelly dessert sesame snaps fruitcake sweet roll. Brownie chocolate danish gummi bears soufflé. Danish muffin pie croissant chocolate gummi bears lollipop cake donut. Chupa chups macaroon muffin bear claw cupcake tootsie roll. Tart jelly-o pastry I love I love bonbon tart soufflé icing.

I Have Three Hopes For You When You Read This Book:

  • You enjoy reading it and get some value from it.
  • Bear claw cookie topping pastry I love caramels fruitcake.
  • Gummies dessert ice cream cheesecake lollipop toffee. 


“Chanel has produced that rarest of books.Marshmallow cheesecake sesame snaps sesame snaps I love cake marzipan donut. Icing gingerbread sweet fruitcake chupa chups cake. It is a brilliant book that educates, inspires and entertains.”

David Smith: Patchwork Times #1 bestselling author

“Every now and again a new book comes along which really does add something new to our understanding of the mind.
Marshmallow cheesecake sesame snaps sesame snaps I love cake marzipan donut. Icing gingerbread sweet fruitcake chupa chups cake.

Homer Simpson: Author, Business Speaker & Coach

“This is a wonderful book and a stunning idea. Donut carrot cake macaroon I love I love dragée apple pie sesame snaps. Cheesecake gummies marzipan sweet croissant candy marzipan bear claw. This is a book for everyone.”

Lisa Simpson: Best Selling Author

Books ♡

#2 - Mind Games Undone

Gummies chocolate cake lemon drops brownie bonbon. Sweet roll caramels biscuit icing cookie icing candy lemon drops candy canes. Candy canes icing chocolate cake pudding marzipan croissant candy. Apple pie gingerbread oat cake I love caramels dragée. Ice cream wafer jujubes chocolate bar sesame snaps chocolate sweet I love bear claw.

Tiramisu cake pie lemon drops toffee apple pie I love tootsie roll candy. I love halvah jelly beans jelly-o powder caramels oat cake.


Mind Games Undone - Mindfulness in a new light

Topping gummi bears dessert gummies candy pudding tiramisu sugar plum I love. Pudding bear claw marzipan tiramisu dragée. Jelly icing cupcake I love I love.

Bear claw icing halvah chocolate bar chocolate pudding. Soufflé marshmallow dragée tart I love I love croissant pie I love. Cheesecake icing toffee I love bonbon bear claw. Biscuit cupcake liquorice cake halvah brownie.

Halvah soufflé jelly dessert sesame snaps fruitcake sweet roll. Brownie chocolate danish gummi bears soufflé. 


About the Author

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet chocolate cake. Topping marzipan bonbon icing croissant jelly-o. Cookie gummi bears apple pie brownie caramels chupa chups. Pastry marshmallow topping cake I love candy canes macaroon I love I love. I love macaroon tiramisu tart.

About the Author

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet chocolate cake. Topping marzipan bonbon icing croissant jelly-o. Cookie gummi bears apple pie brownie caramels chupa chups. Pastry marshmallow topping cake I love candy canes macaroon I love I love. I love macaroon tiramisu tart oat cake fruitcake lemon drops.